
For overall health and well-being, it's important to practice good oral hygiene. While brushing and flossing play significant roles in oral care, there is another crucial process that frequently goes unnoticed - dental scaling. Teeth scaling is a sort of that entails the thorough removal of plaque, tartar, and bacteria from the surfaces of teeth, particularly below the gum line.
For overall health and well-being, it's important to practice good oral hygiene. While brushing and flossing play significant roles in oral care, there is another crucial process that frequently goes unnoticed - dental scaling. Teeth scaling is a sort of that entails the thorough removal of plaque, tartar, and bacteria from the surfaces of teeth, particularly below the gum line.
The bacteria that grow on your teeth can cause tooth decay, gum disease, and other significant health conditions like heart issues.
Gum disease, commonly known as periodontal disease, can be prevented through dental scaling. Scaling aids in preventing the development of gingivitis, the milder stage of gum disease, into periodontitis and other more serious conditions by eliminating calculus and bacteria from the gum pockets. Scaling can help maintain the health of the gums and stop tooth loss by treating gum disease in its early stages.
This technique is quite common and is performed on almost everyone. This technique, however, is frequently performed in conjunction with root planing. This is sometimes referred to as "deep cleaning." Teeth scaling and root planing provide a deeper cleaning than a regular cleaning, which aids in the treatment of chronic periodontal disease.
This operation is performed in our dental clinic by our periodontist in a single session; however, depending on the severity of your problem, it may be performed in two or more appointments. This operation does not normally require the use of a local anaesthetic; nevertheless, sensitive people may want to discuss their choices with our dentist.
Our Periodontist will start by scaling your teeth. This comprises scraping plaque and tartar from your teeth as well as any pockets that may have formed between your gums and teeth. The following stage is usually root planing, which is smoothing your roots with a scaling tool. This procedure aids in the reattachment of your gums to your teeth.

How often should scaling be performed?

The golden guideline is to visit the dentist every six months. Our dentists at Q Dental will be able to tell you whether or not you require scaling. They will also counsel you on proper home care for healthy teeth. It must be emphasised again further that scaling teeth does not weaken them but rather avoids gum diseases, which cause bleeding gums and, if not treated, lead to more serious and widespread gum problems as well as overall health problems.

What Are the Advantages of Teeth Scaling?

The GOLD standard treatment for chronic periodontal disease. According to research, teeth scaling aids in the reduction of pocket gaps. By eliminating these pockets, you lower your chances of experiencing: tooth loss, bone loss, tissue loss, tooth sensitivity, tender or bleeding gums, and red/swollen gums, Chewing difficult, bad breath.

How often should scaling be performed?

The golden guideline is to visit the dentist every six months. Our dentists at Q Dental will be able to tell you whether or not you require scaling. They will also counsel you on proper home care for healthy teeth. It must be emphasised again further that scaling teeth does not weaken them but rather avoids gum diseases, which cause bleeding gums and, if not treated, lead to more serious and widespread gum problems as well as overall health problems.

How is scaling accomplished?

Our periodontist employs a variety of procedures, including:
1. Scaling by ultrasonic:. Ultrasonic scaling instruments remove plaque from the teeth by vibrating the metal tip and spraying it with water.
2. Guided biofilm therapy, a treatment that removes biofilm (a film of bacteria on teeth) to prevent cavities, gum disease, implant infections, and severe stains, is now available exclusively at Q Dentali. It is less intrusive and more comfortable for those who have less discomfort and sensitivity. The treatment consists of applying a dye to the teeth to make biofilm visible, removing biofilm with AirFlow® and PerioFlow® technology, and removing any remaining calculus with Piezon® technology. This procedure is appropriate for people of all ages and dental circumstances, and it can be done on natural teeth, implants, and dental restorations.This is first to be introduced by Q Dental by our periodontists with an affordable prize and also with the best introductory offers.

Benefits of scaling or removing plaque and calculus include

• improved oral health
• Gum disease is prevented and/or treated.
• Improve aesthetics, or their appeal
• freshens breath
• prevents dental decay
• maintain the longevity of teeth
• Improves general health issues like Heart and diabetic disorders.
• Assist in maintaining natural teeth and lessen the need for tooth extractions or dental implants.
Remember to talk to our best dentist about your specific needs to establish how often you should get your teeth scaling. Scheduling frequent scaling procedures a priority can help you achieve and keep your dental health at its best for years to come.